Pru Life UK launches Healthscape PH – a webinar series that brings stakeholders together to discuss the Philippine healthcare sector’s concerns
Pru Life UK recently launched the latest addition to its PRUWise Webinar series. Healthscape PH, as it was called, is a timely and insightful dialogue among key stakeholders from the Philippine healthcare sector. Healthscape PH’s first webinar, titled “Healthscape PH: Harnessing the Power of AI and Mobile Health in Transforming PH Healthcare,” discussed topics on mobile digital health (or mHealth), challenges post-COVID-19, and the behavioral shift towards digital healthcare. It also highlighted the role of public and private institutions in advancing mHealth in the country.
The panelists were composed of representatives from Pru Life UK and its regional headquarters Prudential Corporation Asia, industry partners from Babylon, a global healthcare organization with a growing strong presence in Asia, the Department of Health (DOH), and the PLDT Group.
Prudential Corporation Asia Chief Health Officer Andrew Wong spoke about how Prudential is focusing more on digital health and how the company is playing a more extensive preventive role, besides protection, to address the growing health burden in Asia.
Babylon’s Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Mobasher Butt, complemented the discussion by explaining what makes their technology the world’s first integrated medical artificial intelligence (AI) platform and shared global examples of how healthcare systems can be transformed through a digital-first healthcare delivery model. He also shared his views on how AI can help address issues in the accessibility and affordability of healthcare services in the Philippines.
DOH Director IV for Knowledge Management and Information Technology Service, Dr. Enrique Tayag, offered an overview of the future of the country’s health system, including a glimpse into DOH’s efforts in promoting mHealth as a powerful tool to help disseminate relevant health information and guidelines to the public, especially as part of COVID-19 response efforts.
First Vice President and Chief Information Security Officer Angel Redoble of PLDT Group, ePLDT and Smart discussed how the telecommunications industry can supplement digital health efforts with technology infrastructure and safeguarding user data. He shared his views on the readiness of Filipinos in using mHealth tools now that the National ID System is almost in place. He also expressed his thoughts on how the telecommunications industry can work closely with the health and life insurance sectors to leverage mHealth to reach more Filipinos nationwide and strengthen the Philippine mobile healthcare system.

Pru Life UK Senior Vice President and Chief Customer Marketing Officer Allan Tumbaga says this of Pru’s first webinar on digital health, “We hope Healthscape PH will encourage more industries to start their advocacy for digital health. This is aligned with our commitment, through our We DO Health and We DO Innovation spirit, to promote the health and wellness of Filipinos through advanced, innovative solutions”.